Go girls! Go girls!
These were the words which were echoing in my ears. Believe me, when a woman of my age hears these words, she suddenly feels like a sixteen year old, and the walking speed increases automatically. People on both sides of the road were cheering for all of us.
This was the scene of my first marathon.
Teenage girls to women in their fifties, everybody was full of energy. I was so happy and excited to be a part of this marathon.
One year back, things were just opposite.
Feelings of despair and gloom ruled my life. I had met with an accident, which left three of my ligaments broken. My knee was unstable and I wasn't at all sure whether I'd ever be able to walk normally again.
One day one of my friends who participated in the marathon told me "Don't worry dear! We'll go next year's marathon together!" I smiled and thought participating in a marathon would only remain a dream. I wasn't able to walk five steps without a walker. How would I ever walk five kilometres?
But the very next moment was my turning point. I said "Why not?" I challenged myself to walk five kilometres in the next marathon.
After a year of struggle, there I was, standing at the starting line at 6:16 AM. I took a deep breath and said to myself "Today I'm leaving all my fears behind and will not stop till I reach the finish line."
There were moments when the level of discomfort in my knee was very high, but nothing could stop me that day. At times I felt like slowing down, but all that cheering was like an energy drink.
And I kept walking.
And walking.
And walking.
And hey presto! Here's the finish line!
I could hardly believe that I had finished my walk in exactly one hour. I probably had the same feeling P.T. Usha might have had after winning gold.
This was a huge achievement for me. Today I'd like to tell all women out there that nothing, absolutely nothing can stop you. We all have that inner strength which can help us overcome any disability.
So, go girls! Go for your dreams! Believe in yourself and don't give up!
- Deepali Trivedi
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